Dear Mitt, How’s that shared Anglo Saxon heritage working out for you?


Mitt goes to London and promptly tells them they are f8cking the Olympics up…

The headline of the piece? “If Mitt Romney doesn’t like us, we shouldn’t care.” And remember this is from the Toriest of Tory papers. Moving a bust of Churchill really doesn’t come close. Cameron has already put out a statement rebutting Romney’s public pissing on the Brits’ readiness and eagerness for the Games.

source: How To Royally Piss Off An Ally – The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan – The Daily Beast.

Then he gets taken to school by David Cameron:

The two men are said to have got on well during their talks, despite the barbed rebuke Mr Cameron delivered beforehand when to comment on Mr Romney’s concerns about the capital’s preparedness for the Games.

He point out that the 2012 Olympics were taking place in a busy city rather than “the middle of nowhere” – a remark was widely seen as a reference to the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake City, Utah, which Mr Romney was in charge of organising.

And following their talk, Mr Romney appeared to have taken the hint, saying: “I applaud the work of the organising committee in bringing the Olympics right into the heart of London.

source: Olympics: Mitt Romney seeks to play down London 2012 comments – Telegraph.

Smooth move from the Romneybot. But the “Quiet storm” known as Dressage in London doesn’t stop there:

He’s already questioned the preparedness of Britain to host the Olympic Games and today Mitt Romney added to the gaffe-count of his UK visit by appearing to forget Ed Miliband’s name during a press conference.

Following a brief press conference today speculation on social networking site Twitter centered on whether Mr Romney had forgotten the Labour leader’s name.

Replying to the Labour leader in front of the press, Mr Romney said: “Like you, Mr Leader, I look forward to our conversations this morning … and recognise, of course, the unique relationship that exists between our nations, our commitment to common values, our commitment to peace in the world and our desire to see a stronger and growing economy.”

Prior to today’s meetings Romney had also questioned Britain’s readiness to host the Olympic Games.

source: Mr Leader? Did Mitt Romney forget Ed Miliband’s name? – Home News – UK – The Independent.

Then, the Mayor of London cast Romney as the anti-Olympic Mascot or the Grinch of the Rings:

London Mayor Boris Johnson mocked Mitt Romney as the Olympic torch was being lit Thursday, telling a crowd in Hyde Park, “There is a guy called Mitt Romney who wants to know if we are ready. Are we ready?” The crowd of 60,000 yelled “YES!” and a chant of “Boris!” broke out (watch it here). The hashtag #Romneyshambles began trending in the U.K. The Olympics are the one moment when even countries with complicated colonial pasts can safely indulge in a little nationalism, and Romney turned himself into the perfect enemy for Brits to root against by publicly doubting whether British people would unite behind the Games.

It was not just the youth mocking Romney on Twitter. British politicians joined in. “If I were American, I’d vote Republican, but Mitt – #fail #RomneyShambles,” Louise Mensch, Conservative member of Parliament, tweeted. “Conservatives the world over tend to be patriots. Insult my country, and I no longer care if you rep sister party,” she added. Other conservatives cheered Johnson. “James Chapman, the political editor of The Daily Mail — not exactly a liberal publication — compared Romney to Sarah Palinand George W. Bush, and not for their charisma. “Can this get any worse for Romney? Boris is now mocking him in front of 60,000 people in Hyde Park #romneyshambles,” Chapman wrote. In London, the BBC is replaying Johnson’s Romney moment, ABC News reports.

I know when Mittens gets back, he will say that he knows how to fix these gaffes and if he’s President, he won’t be such a fuck up and even if he is, he will never apologize. Oh and tax cuts for the job creators (rich).

He just won’t tell you how he’ll do that.