11/4/2008 to 11/3/2009

President Barack Obama signs the Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act of 2009, also known as 'Kerry-Lugar-Berman' in the Oval Office, Oct. 15, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

President Barack Obama signs the Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act of 2009, also known as 'Kerry-Lugar-Berman' in the Oval Office, Oct. 15, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

Maher and Huffington want more. Scarborough and Will want less. Obama has reality to deal with.

Noticing a pattern yet? The first half of Obama’s accomplishments above is mostly liberal stuff. The bottom half is all pretty dang conservative. Which brings us to The Problem With America Today: Blame it on the Internet, on partisan politics, on the economic crash, on the legacy of war or Fox News or Michael Moore, but our vital center is getting stiff — and it is starting to stink.

Liberals are upset because Obama didn’t shut down Guantánamo or stop the wiretapping program or end all wars or support gay marriage and kill Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. Conservatives are pissed off because they hate health-care reform, family planning, ending any war at all, organic gardening at the White House, and government in general.

What’s worse, both sides are so angry and righteous that they can’t even begin to give credit where it is due. When was the last time you heard a conservative cheer about that $288 billion tax cut? Or credit Obama for the centrism it took to appoint McChrystal, Panetta, and Gates? And how many liberals choose to be understanding about the practical difficulties of shutting down Guantánamo, achieving equal rights for gays, or tapping Al Qaeda’s phones?

via Obama Timeline – John H. Richardson’s Timeline of Obama’s First Year – Esquire.

So far he is doing fine by me.