
Andrew S. Tanenbaum on intentional reduction of polls and the problems it created with voting access in AZ on Tuesday:

Judging by what happened in Arizona Tuesday, it’s working. In many areas with large minority populations, such as Maricopa County, the lines to vote were generally an hour or more, and sometimes the wait was as much as five hours. In some predominantly Latino areas, there were no polling places at all. As The Nation notes, the word “disenfranchised” was being used quite liberally.There is time enough before the general election for lawsuits to be filed; presumably the DNC is working on that already. But whether those lawsuits are resolved in time for the election, especially with an eight-person Supreme Court, is another question. It is entirely possible that a few close states, most obviously Arizona, New Mexico, and North Carolina, could end up in the Republican column due to these machinations.

Source: ElectoralVote

When people think of the national Democratic party, state Democratic parties and groups like NAACP or Voto Latino predicting these issues and having lawsuits in the pipeline is kinda what people expect of these groups. It’s hard to vote for Democrats when they don’t do what Democrats would love.