The public and their colleagues have sided with Conan while Jeff Zucker and Jay Leno become the evil empire
And this, you see — the part where we the viewers come in — is part of the public outrage being stoked here. It isnt just a fondness for Big Red. Theres a collective scorn for the way that NBC has so openly pooped on its audience like Triumph the Insult Dog: replacing its 10 p.m. lineup with five nights of cheap, clunky Jay Leno shows because theyre easier than, I dont know, creating something new that doesnt suck? Well, fuck you, too. Theres nothing like swaggering around in your “too big to fail” pants to summon the gods of ironic punishment, now, is there, Jeff Zucker? So excuse us if were Googling the German word for that derisive pleasure gained by watching a networks lazy contempt for the American public fail spectacularly.
Looks like Conan may be on Fox in the fall.