US Army moving e-mail to MS Exchange


Projected operational savings will be about 200 million. Which means it will be less, but their old system sounds like an antiquated bear.

In a draft solicitation request, the Army said it plans to build the entire system on Microsoft Exchange 2010. Lt. Gen Jeffery Sorenson, the Army’s chief information officer who is spearheading the effort, said he’d like to see the entire Defense Department use the system.

It’s a massive undertaking for the Army which supports 950,000 accounts. When a soldier moves from one location to another, he or she currently has to get a new email address, and the old one has to be deleted. And these multiple accounts open many doors for cyber hackers.

via Army plans enterprise email system – FierceGovernmentIT.

Defense spending is the overwhelming majority of our nation’s federal budget. Even if we are in two gruesome wars, there must be efficiencies in the daily operations of our armed forces that can be found that may seem insignificant, but can save millions per year.