Death Penalty for Forde


It’s utterly disgusting what Forde was willing to do to secure a shadow authority to exact violence on immigrants.

On May 20, 2009, Forde and two alleged accomplices stormed the Flores’ home in Arivaca, Arizona. Two men killed Raul Flores Jr. and shot his wife and Brisenia’s mother Gina Gonzalez before shooting the 9-year-old girl point-blank. Gonzalez testified during the trial that she could hear her daughter, roused from her sleep in the living room where she was camped out so she could be close to the family’s new dog, ask why her parents had been killed, then silence as the shooter stopped to reload a gun, and finally two shots that went through the little girl’s head.


Much of the chatter on the lefty blogs and immigrant rights networks in the weeks of the trial has been dominated by bitter confusion about the lack of media coverage the case got.

via Shawna Forde Gets the Death Penalty.

Why so little Forde coverage? Silly liberals! There is only one domestic story and one international story allowed at a time via TV news. The courageous union-busting of Gov. Walker of WI vs. the greedy teachers unions who get rich by teaching in public schools is obviously much more important.