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From CNN:

A related Senate location privacy proposal, introduced in June by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), was slightly weakened to attract Republican support. (Wyden’s proposal addresses only location-tracking, including warrantless cell phone tracking, not cloud computing and the other principles embraced by the coalitionn.)

The final version of Wyden’s bill deleted about nine pages of text that would have curbed foreign intelligence location collection. But it also gained a conservative Republican supporter in the form of Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah.

This week, Sen. Mark Kirk, an Illinois Republican, announced he was signing on to Wyden’s bill.

“The technological advancements we’ve seen in the past 25 years have revolutionized the way we live our lives, but unfortunately surveillance protections have not kept pace,” Kirk said. “It’s time our digital privacy laws go Back to the Future for a sorely needed update

via Google, Facebook go retro in push to update 1986 privacy law | Privacy Inc. – CNET News.