2 AM, Fully belly, empty beer, great time to hit I-95, or I-76


A new entertainment complex in South Philadelphia to cater to sports fans and partiers everywhere (From Philly.com via Atrios):

Location is an advantage, Luukko said: Xfinity Live is accessible from I-95 and I-76 and is “less than a half-hour from Delaware, just over the Walt Whitman Bridge from New Jersey, seven minutes from Center City, and an easy drive from the suburbs.

“Xfinity Live will be open 365 days a year. Certain portions will be open for lunch, with the rest open by 4 p.m. and most attractions staying open until 2 a.m. Parking will be free on nonevent nights, starting Friday. On event days, it will be free one hour after the start of the final event.

One of the biggest problem, regional rail. Last regional commuter trains from Philly to suburbs leave center city between midnight and 12:30 AM on weekends. It doesn’t matter as the last train from AT&T station to Center City on weekends are around 12:45. So most attractions will be serving people springing for an expensive taxi ride or driving home.