Can’t say I disagree with @Nikitonsky and (previously Dave Winer at, but Medium is bad for blogging because of the extra demands it makes of readers and restrictions it places on open web conventions (primarily RSS and the chronological feed). The real value of Medium: ease of setup, use & traffic.
Another Reader Gone: Digg Reader Dead…
AsideDigg Reader is dead, but The Old Reader still gives me that old Google Reader feel. You can purchase a license for up to 500 feeds for 25$ US per year. That’s the option for me. Continue reading
“Why don’t you just…?”
AsideThe millennials are the brainiest, best-educated generation ever. Yet their elders often stop them from reaching their full potential, argues Robert Guest
Source: Generation Uphill
Yes. We (elders) have let college prices inflate from a factor of x times the minimum wage to y times the minimum wage.
Our thirst for bigger, badder houses and of course the derivatives leveraged to the hilt against the mortgages created an almost dollar breaking crisis.
We have perfected the “never ending, over there war against an idea”. We started this as the “cold war” against “communism in countries not named USSR” now it’s the “War on terror” against “terrorism perpetuated by Muslims” which asks young people to enlist, fight and have their minds and bodies destroyed by the horrors of war.
The private stadium funded with public cash, debt and tax breaks has become the standard from the mighty NFL down to the niche MLS. Allowing billionaires to demand hundreds of millions every 15 or so years. In addition, new prisons are erected all the time and fueled by incarceration of men who drop out of extremely poor high schools our elected officials cannot seem to run correctly.
and yet..our advice to them is “Why don’t you just…?”. Anyone that says that to “kids these days” doesn’t understand what kids these days are really up against,
My Wish: NJ Bridge vs. West Virginia Water #NewWorldWater
AsideI wish the national media would dedicate as much or more time to investigating these people who poisoned water for a whole region of West Virginia as they are to Chris Christie Administration creating a traffic jam for a whole region. #newworldwater
Atrios Started It: “expanding Social Security a respectable idea”
AsideFrom Pacific Standard Mag: How a Blogger Made Expanding Social Security a Respectable IdeaWhat’s left? Social Security. Though it was never meant to be a national retirement system all by itself, that’s increasingly what it has become. For Americans over age 65 in the bottom half of the income distribution, Social Security makes up at least 80 percent of retirement income.
And yet, when Social Security has been in the news in recent years, it has usually been because someone wants to cut it.
Everwars are not a new thing, should become old thing
AsideEverwars are not a new thing, should become old thing:
Secretary of State John Kerry says the U.S. and Afghanistan have reached an agreement on the final language of a bilateral security agreement.
now we police Afghanistan for Afghans to maintain the status quo which is crap.
Austerity forever! It will never stop.
AsideAusterity forever!. It will never stop.
Obama’s ACA “fix”:a political fix to cover administrative mistakes but does damage to the program
AsideWhat Balloon Juice’s Richard Mayhew said:
“Minimal damage to the risk pools, and this is a viable political solution to a political problem”
more about it from Johnathan Cohn at TNR
New theme
AsideI switched to the new writr theme by makers Automattic. it mimics a genesis framework theme I had that i loved for a bit that was also a tumblog type format.
That’s not the biggest change. the biggest change is that the home page will no longer be blog posts. I will work on changing the homepage to support presentation of my writing and intro to the site. now it’s just the about page.
Like it leave a comment. Don’t like it? leave a comment. Don’t care, leave a comment.
I say Sox in 5. You?
AsideI say Sox in 5. You?p
Arlen Specter (b. 1930 – d. 2012)
AsideBest debate recap. exactly how I remember it
AsideMitt Romney is back: ‘We Don’t Have People Who Die Because They Don’t Have Insurance’
Aside“I don’t try to be anybody other than who I am, I believe in what I believe. I do what I do.” – Paul Ryan
Aside“I don’t try to be anybody other than who I am, I believe in what I believe. I do what I do. And I really believe in the policies we’re providing, that we’re pursuing. And at the end of the day, I’m just going to go in there and be me.”
-Republican VP Candidate Paul Ryan saying absolutely nothing 7 ways at once
“That’s a slogan, bro.”
AsideHow not to be a delegate
AsideNothing to see here
Aside“My name is my Name”
AsideEzra Klein on Ryan’s RNC Speech: “A not-very-truthful speech in a not-very-truthful campaign”
AsideObama: “Don’t Boo the RNC, Vote”
AsideObama: “Don’t Boo the RNC, Vote”. Really the best advice