The Affordable Care Act’s beneficiaries


More Democrats than the President needed to defend this (and he did defend it) but right during it’s passage, even stalwarts like Bernie Frank and Howard Dean said to scrap it.

It was Remote Area Medical’s 667th clinic. But this one came at an unusual moment: as the Supreme Court deliberates whether to uphold the health care law that will have a disproportionate impact on the sort of people served by the organization.

Layman was hardly the only patient unaware that the law aims to help people like her, by expanding health insurance beginning in 2014. And this gets to the heart of the political dilemma for Democrats: Despite spending tremendous political capital to pass the law, the party is unlikely to win many votes from the law’s future beneficiaries, most of whom live in Republican-dominated states in the South and West. In fact, many at the clinic said they don’t vote at all.

source: Alec MacGillis: ‘What New Law?’ | The New Republic.

so here we are today…waiting for a 5-4 vote tomorrow that may destroy the Affordable Care Act and confirm their place as a regressive rights, pro-power court.