Chambliss: Tattoos and Whoopee Cushions would overrun the 82nd!


Why, if gays are allowed into the military, Chambliss said, soon the armed forces will allow all sorts of other things.

Like what?

“Alcohol use, adultery, fraternization, and body art,” said Chambliss.

“If we change this rule of ‘Don’t Ask, Dont Tell,” he asked, “what are we going to do with these other rules?”

via Chambliss: Repealing DADT Would Open Door To ‘Adultery’ And ‘Body Art’ In The Military | TPM LiveWire.

Yes, because as we know, straight military men do like or engage in teh:

  • drink
  • adultery
  • playing of pranks, jokes, becoming fast friends or identifying with concentric organizational units as close to extended family
  • tattoos

WTF planet is Chambliss on?