Judge Megyn Kelly presides…

Fox News host Megyn Kelly

Fox News host Megyn Kelly

In Kelly's Court, you are innocent until proven mouthy. or out of your place. or a gold digger.

Maddow and Gawker rightfully mock Fox News host Megyn Kelly imaginary TV Court for this twitter docket item:

Megyn Kelly has a question: “A man beats a 100 pound woman into a coma over a parking space. He claims she deserves it. Could he be right? In Kelly’s Court!”

via Fox News Reporter: Did Woman Beaten Into Coma ‘Deserve It’?.

Judge Megyn Kelly and her sharp minded producers, when considering whether a grown man should beat a woman (or any person) in civil society into a coma over a parking spot depends on whether or not she called dibs, hit him first or mouthed off…or something?


After the willingness of some people to “blame the victim” in the media furies surrounding Chris Brown’s attack of Rihanna (West Indian women be so crazy, tho!) and Charlie Sheen’s attack of multiple women (she’s just lying! or they just want his money) I am dismayed but not surprised that domestic violence incidents could get this kind of “Who is responsible?” treatment.

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