Who are the Libyan Rebels?


A question that hasn’t fully been answered and leaves more doubt about the Libyan mess we have mired ourselves in while sustaining the rebels coup attempt against Gaddaffi. Now rebels are rumored to have death squads.

Rebel commanders have created a wanted list and placed suspects under round-the-clock surveillance. Secret militia units raid houses without court warrants and often interrogate suspects for hours. Those released have to sign a document stating their loyalty to the revolution.


In recent weeks, at least seven former members of the internal security police have turned up dead, their bodies riddled with bullets. Although it is not known who killed them, many suspect that they died at the hands of rebel-affiliated death squads.

via Libyan rebels accused of reprisal attacks – The Washington Post.

How are the detainees treated under rebel care? Reports are not positive.

The woman’s 18-year-old son, Amar Abdul Baset, said his mother had left Gaddafi’s military in the 1980s and had been a housewife ever since, receiving a pension.

She was interrogated for 12 hours. The rebels peppered her with questions and showed her a list of suspects. They asked whether she was working with anyone on the list or organizing military action for Gaddafi. Before they released her, she was ordered to sign a pledge that she supported the revolution, her son said.

“When she came back, she was very scared,” Baset recalled. “It’s the same tactics Gaddafi’s regime used.”

This is the side we’re on.