The response of Central Mountain High School officials to former PSU football coach Jerry Sandusky’s sexual abuse charges has really exposed Spanier, Curly, Schultz and Paterno as being woefully morally and professionally negligent in protecting pre-teen and teen boys brought to PSU through Sandusky’s Second Mile youth charity:
The attorney general says the quick action taken by officials at Central Mountain High School is in marked contrast to the action of those at Penn State 7 years earlier.
[…]The attorney general says Central Mountain officials called police and barred Sandusky from the campus when that parent came forward.
The reports from here helped launch the attorney general’s investigation.
“The local people at least cared enough to say something and take care of it but he got away with it for a long time,” said Penny Williams of Mill Hall
It needs to be said that Sandusky was a crafty predator. He was using his cache as a former PSU coach and his Second Mile charity (founded in 1977) to reach prospective victims Sandusky wasn’t exposed at either place for years. There’s no Chris Hansen running around catching predators. It takes a courageous victim and family to confront this horror and seek justice in these cases and even then, those in authority often do not protect the victims and prosecute perpetrators to the fullest extent. It seems the difference is that Central Mountain’s officials protected their students to protect their institution, Penn State protected their knowledge of Sandusky’s transgressions to protect their institution.
The more that comes out about this situation, the worse it looks for everyone at Penn State.