Trayvon Martin’s murder is just angering. I’m angry about:
- “Stand Your Ground Laws” which basically makes a violent person’s defense better if they respond with lethal force out of clear view of witnesses
- The muther f*cker who released a child’s suspension records: a teenage boys records are PRIVATE. An educator, public official or a school staff member betrayed public trust.
- Newsflash: teenage boys do rebellious sh!t. It’s not thuggery, it’s adolescence.
- Detective Serino’s professional judgement being overruled and the police dispatcher being ignored by George Zimmerman. These civil servants and police officers tried to serve justice. I hope he FBI, DOJ and/or the newly appointed state prosecutor can see this justice.
- The esteem of Police in the public eye. The esteem we hold Police departments is an integral part of our social compact being eroded by the inexplicable negligence (at best) and unethical public statements of the Sanford Police department led by Chief Lee.
- Zimmerman appointing himself watch captain and neighborhood complaints about his patrol being ignored
- This smug prick Friend of Zimmerman (FOZ) Joe Oliver (former CNN employee) intimating that Trayvon Martin would have murdered Zimmerman and that “coon” is just friendly banter
- FOZ Frank Taaffe claiming that 62 degrees at night is cold and that Trayvon Martin was some sort of deviant that should have to pass a test of truth to not be judged as suspicious by the likes Zimmerman.
- Trayvon Martin’s body being left unidentified and his family not notified for 3 days even though he had ID and a cell phone and was in his neighborhood.
- The fact that no one outside of Sanford Police and some witnesses saw any pictures, hospital records or anything and yet most of the press parroted the line that Zimmerman’s nose was broken and he had a cut in the back of his head. The only images of Zimmerman up to now don’t show any blood, bruises or cuts
I am angry. I’m trying to slow walk posts about it because I am so angry that I don’t want to state something that is immediately stupid or wrong just to support my personally desired outcome. (Also because bloggers like TNC , journalists like Charles Blow and Political Scientists like Melissa Harris-Perry are breaking this down better than I ever could.)
Most people who hear about Trayvon Martin’s death are angry. That anger could lead us to recklessness or vindictiveness or criminal cruelty and we all need to be careful about that.
Note: Think Progress has a strong run down of all the information in the order it breaks.