I’m going to keep harping on this because it was just a completely nutty argument Newark Mayor Cory Booker made on MTP to defend Mitt Romney’s record at Bain. Cory Booker, Lanny Davis and Harold Ford, Jr. must be disappointed by such “They Don’t Get Us” rhetoric from VP Joe Biden aimed at GOP nominee Mitt Romney:
Romney is a nice guy, Biden said, but “he doesn’t get what’s at the core of all this. It’s about people’s dignity.”
Here is video of this icky populism:
Friends of Bain (Booker et al) must be sickened by former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland:
“Oh, what a contrast, my friends, between these two men who would be president!” Strickland said, standing outside the Wolcott House Museum. “President Obama is betting on America and American workers, and Mitt Romney is betting his resources in the Cayman Islands, in Bermuda, in Switzerland and God only knows where else he is putting his resources.”
[…]“Think about it, think of this, a man who wants to be the president of the United States took his great wealth, and instead of investing that great wealth in America, the country he hopes to lead, he somehow chose to find the tax haven, Switzerland, where he opened up a bank account,” Strickland said. “He invested in the Cayman islands, has a corporation in Bermuda, and he took money from shadowy south American investors when he started Bain Capital and now my friends, he conveniently has decided that he will not release his income tax returns. Doesn’t it make you wonder what Mitt Romney is trying to hide from the American people?”
[…]“President Obama is the in-sourcer of jobs and Mitt Romney is the outsourcer of jobs,” Strickland added
source: Obama Campaign Co-Chair in Ohio Slams Romney’s Off-Shore Accounts* – ABC News.
I mean Obama just kept talking about this in Ohio emphasizing the theme “Betting On America” in the wake of news that Romney used tax havens in Switzerland, the Cayman Islands and Bermuda
The horror! Why oh why would they do this?
Polls show that linking Romney to the outsourcing of U.S. jobs when he was at Boston-based Bain Capital LLC, which he co- founded, is an effective approach with voters in the swing states of Ohio and Pennsylvania, where Obama will end the trip.
“If the election’s about Romney and Bain, then the president’s going to win,” said Stu Rothenberg, editor of the nonpartisan Rothenberg Political Report in Washington. “For Romney, it has to be about Obama: Obama and jobs, Obama and leadership, Obama and the economy, and Obama and health-care.”
[…]Obama led Romney by nine percentage points in Ohio and six in Pennsylvania, according to a “Swing State Poll” conducted June 19-25 by Hamden, Connecticut-based Quinnipiac University. The poll of 1,237 Ohio voters and 1,252 Pennsylvania voters had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.8 percent. In 2008, Obama beat Republican John McCain in Ohio by five percentage points and in Pennsylvania by 11.
source: Obama Hammers Romney Bain Record With China on Ohio Bus Trip – SFGate.
When polling on each candidate, Romney only beat Obama in public opinion regarding his perceived capability to help the economy as president based upon his time at Bain Capital and as head of the Winter Olympics committee. They’re now even in some polls. These “Bain” attacks are indeed personal, but not to Romney. They are personal to the voter who has been laid off and herded out the door with their future in doubt: