31 Male US Senate Republicans vote against Violence Against Women Act


Even the so called “reasonable” ones like Dick Lugar and the stars like Marco Marco Rubio (from Wonkette):

It is good to know that the War on Women is divisive and phony (and anyway Obama started it)! Then about five seconds after McCain finished talking, 31 male Republican senators voted against reauthorizing VAWA (which provides funding for domestic violence shelters and law enforcement and all sorts of other special-interest nonsense, because it might cause somebody to stop beating Messicans and gays

These 31 literally voted against a a bill to allocate resources to women who have beaten down, abused and victimized.


UPDATE: Awful Reporting Update from the New York Times

Amid partisan brawls over abortion and contraception, some Democrats saw the Violence Against Women Act as the next battle in what they framed as a Republican “war on women.” But Senate Republicans did not rise to the bait. Republican senators like John Cornyn of Texas made clear their concerns, but even before amendments to address those concerns were voted on, many of the same senators who had expressed reservations signaled that they would vote for the bill, regardless of whether it was changed. No Republicans spoke out against it before the final tally.

They didn’t rise to the bait? They absolutely did. In their unified push against Obama and the Democrats’ agenda, they voted against a law that provides funds and resources to help women who are victims of violence. Not taking the bait would have been voting for the heretofore uncontroversial bill.

Romney’s Cold War Drivel


This type of work from Romney’s senior campaign foreign policy aides exposes a campaign that should be take less, not more seriously:

The Obama campaign has been saying for weeks that Romney has a “Cold War mentality” when it comes to foreign policy. Instead of countering that characterization, the call only reinforced Biden’s point.

Two of Romney’s surrogates dropped Cold War references when referring to Obama’s foreign policy failures. One said the White House has abandoned Czechoslovakia (a country that hasn’t existed since 1993) and the other said Obama wasn’t strong enough to prevent “the Soviets” from “pushing into the Arctic.” The outdated references revealed Romney’s advisers on foreign policy to be largely relics of the past – thereby proving the Obama campaign’s point.

Is Romney serious about executing a platform and ideology or is he just gravely serious about becoming President?

Blue Dogs in PA held to account for abandoning Blue Dog policies


It’s fine if you reach across the aisle, but don’t kneecap your side of the aisle. Blue Dogs in PA were rewarded for opposing the ACA by a Republican controlled legislature here in PA by being re-districted from purple into Democratic districts:

Representatives Jason Altmire and Tim Holden both lost in primaries to opponents who joined together with activist groups to pummel the veteran lawmakers over the opposition to the new health care law and climate change legislation — positions they had used to their advantage in the past to show their independence from President Obama and the Democratic Party.

“A lot of us thought of his record as his strength,” said Hugh M. Reiley, the chairman of the Schuylkill County Democratic Party, referring to Mr. Holden. “He was not falling prey to all that party bickering. He was able to reach across the aisle.”

“Last night, the Democratic Party became more liberal,” he added.

This just isn’t true. Remember that the Blue Dog coalition’s Jim Cooper (D-TN) was the vanguard of the original “reach across the aisle” that resulted in a Health Care Reform alternative to Clinton White House’s Health Care Reform push in 1993 and tempered ACA provisions for Blue Dogs in 2009. This was the basis for the Obama White House’s Affordable Care Act. The ACA was pulled even further right from the Clinton and Cooper 1993 proposals by accepting further input from insurance and pharmaceutical corporations:

One of the most significant differences between 1993-94 and 2009-10 is that employers and business groups, alarmed at the soaring cost of health care, took a seat at the negotiating table. Insurance companies, which helped defeat the Clinton plan, began 2009 by saying they accept the need for change and want a seat at the table. As the bills developed, however, they became strong opponents of some Democratic proposals, especially one to create a government-run insurance plan as an alternative to their offerings.

Supporting the ACA based on Cooper’s 1993 Blue Dog/Republican compromise didn’t make the Democratic Party “more liberal”. They were both pieces of legislation that were shifted to the right away from the party platform and the Democratic Base to garner the votes of more Blue Dogs after much more liberal versions were defeated or never saw light of day in previous sessions of congress. The simple fact of the matter is that State Republicans used redistricting to reduce the number of Democrats in the US House of Representatives by forcing two Blue Dog Democrats to compete in blue districts. The only thing that moved was their district boundaries. Blue Dogs aren’t being pushed out of the party any time soon, but you can’t tout your “independence” from your party in a closed primary state and then be surprised when primary voters take you at your word.

“A lot of sad Eagles fans over there.”


I really feel like Asante Samuel is right. he’s one of the best corners in the league and we traded him for the value of a pretty good college kicker. I want to hope that the Eagles will wreck shop in the NFL draft, but I can’t hope that at all. We’ve had some great picks recently like LeSean McCoy, DeSean Jackson and Jeremy Maclin, but due to big early round busts, washouts and misses like Kolb, Bunkley, Justice and Watkins I will remain a pessimist about the Eagles 2012-2013 draft class.

Romney always contradicts himself: Student Loan Rates


Mitt Romney can’t support the Ryan Budget and “fully support” Obama’s student loan low interest rate extension. I see articles titled “Romney agrees with Obama on Student Loans” and “Obama, Romney Agree on Extending Student Loan Interest Rate Cut” that allow Romney to cloud the issue by seeming reasonable.

Romney hasn’t reconciled his alleged support of the President’s student loan low interest rate extension and the Ryan Budget which would double student loan interest rates so he came make no claims of unequivocal support in either case.

Social Security is not running dry


One more time all together, anyone saying Social Security is broken is selling you a special kind of deficit hawk nonsense:

The most important take-away points from the 2012 Trustees Report will be that Social Security has a large and growing surplus; that without any Congressional action, Social Security will continue to pay benefits to America’s eligible working families for decades; and that with modest legislated increases in revenue, it will continue to pay those benefits for the next century and beyond.


With the issuance of the 2012 report, journalists will have an opportunity to correct the common misunderstanding that Social Security is now paying out more in benefits than it is collecting in income. Social Security is prohibited by law from doing that, and if there were less income than outgo this year, the Trustees would be announcing an immediate cut in benefits. They are not.


Journalists can clarify that Social Security has three revenue sources: Payroll contributions from employers and employees, interest earned on Social Security’s U.S. Treasury bond holdings (which have the same legal standing and status of all other Treasury bonds issued by the government), and income taxes on the Social Security benefits paid by those with higher incomes.

Social security will be around for a while and if there are major problems with revenue, the trustees have tools to automatically adjust output.

“Ron Artest”


I didn’t see this until the gym this morning. It’s weird how the announcer, before Metta World Peace’s elbow to Harden’s head, called him “Ron Artest” and not “Metta World Peace”.

I have no clue what will happen going forward, but I imagine a souped up suspension. Everyone has to remember, Rudy Tomjanovich almost died from freak spinal cord injuries after having his face shattered by one punch from Kermit Washington, so that’s where the NBA’s new history with fights really began.

Gitmo is open because of Senate Democrats


Sigh…more revisionist history about closing Gitmo

More than two years after President Barack Obama blew his self-imposed deadline to shut down the extrajudicial prison at Guantanamo Bay, close observers and defense lawyers with clients making their way through the reformed military tribunal system say the public isn’t paying attention.

“I think what you’ll find is the interest in the process will never get back up again,” Bryan Broyles, the Pentagon’s deputy chief defense counsel at Guantanamo, told TPM. “It’s fatigue and the thought that ‘Well, it must be okay now because Obama said it’s okay.’”


“This is the only court in the United States where you can plead guilty and still be given the death penalty, and it’s just another sign that the system is not set up to give anyone a trial it’s set up to give someone what appears to be a fair trial with a predetermined result,” Broyles said.*

“It’s pretty clear to me that the public has lost interest in these issues,” Richard Kammen, a death penalty expert representing accused USS Cole attack plotter Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, told TPM. “There’s certainly a lot more interest in Trayvon Martin, for example, than there is in any of the military commissions, with the exception being the arraignment for the 9/11 people. But the day-to-day stuff, which is really quite important, has drifted off peoples’ consciences.”

Look, Obama campaigned on closing Gitmo next to all the Senators and Representatives with the D next to their name, got elected, signed an executive order to close it. He more than tried to close Gitmo. But Democrats ran when it was time to approve funding:

Under pressure from Republicans and concerned about the politics of relocating terrorism suspects to U.S. soil, Senate Democrats rejected President Obama’s request for funding to close the Guantanamo Bay prison and vowed to withhold federal dollars until the president decides the fate of the facility’s 240 detainees.


As recently as last week, Senate Democrats had hoped to preserve a portion of Obama’s Guantanamo funding request. But their resolve crumbled in the face of a concerted Republican campaign warning of dire consequences if some detainees ended up in prisons or other facilities in the United States, a possibility that Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has acknowledged.

He didn’t blow any deadline. His team, his party, blew him off. If they fund that order, these guys are in Super Max under U.S. jurisdiction and U.S. due process.

Tried to try KSM in NY. Bloomberg and Schumer said no. The 60 vote majority never materialized around these issues. It’s that simple.

It isn’t because “Obama said it” that people ignore it. It’s because the majority of Americans wanted it this way and their Democratic Party representation in Washington agreed. Obama didn’t and his party said: f*ck you. Remember that when they complain about Obama pushing health care. Or Obama circumventing them with Libya. Republicans obstruct because they want to see Democratic executives fail. Democrats obstruct when they are spooked by what Republicans might say about them.

iPod Syncs Suck


Today I went to sync my ipod touch. Songs I had on my previous 3 or 4 ipods cannot sync to this one. even with useless conversion. When one of these cannot sync, it stops syncing the other GBs of songs that I want on my ipod. Somehow, this also means the 20+ GBs of songs on my ipod should disappear. That’s not a sync, that’s an overwrite. Sync is one thing that has not really improved and responds in a way you wouldn’t expect to errors having to do with a single file.

Suspended Santorum


The true believer bows out…

Rick Santorum ends bid for GOP nomination – Political Hotsheet – CBS News:

“We made a decision over the weekend that while this presidential race for us is over for me, and we will suspend our campaign effective today, we are not done fighting,” Santorum said at a press conference in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Tuesday afternoon.

Santorum did not endorse Romney in making his announcement Tuesday, though he did vow to fight to defeat President Obama and help Republicans win the Senate in the fall.

In a statement, Romney called Santorum “an able and worthy competitor” and congratulated his often-bitter rival for his campaign.

Watch the Etch-a-Sketch….

“I believe Whatley converted to Judaism just for the jokes!”


A right wing hack website decided that this was an important story: Chris Rock makes jokes about black people. Chris Rock held a fundraiser for Obama. Obama may have a problem with black support was worth a story. Except switch out “Chris Rock” for “DNC Jewish Liason” and “black” for “Jewish”. Add lazy main stream media sources and this becomes a story. (This is reminiscent of the Jon Favreau beer pong b.s.):

“Danni has excelled in her role handling Jewish issues for the Chair in her Congressional office and was brought on here part time to do outreach to the Jewish Community,” said DNC spokesman Brad Woodhouse. “Like many in the age of social media, she had things posted on her Facebook page that she now regrets and which she has apologized for. Her employment both in the Chair’s Congressional office and at the DNC is a testament to her knowledge and professionalism and nothing more – and no smear driven by the right wing noise machine is going to impact her status as a trusted member of this team.”Obama donors tied to controversial Facebook post – POLITICO.com.

DNC had better of ignore this Breitbart-esque bullsh*t non-scandal. This does and will do nothing to dissuade Jewish voters from supporting Obama. In fact, he’s got 2/3 of that demographic supporting him in 2012. This will be a story you will see instead of something important as media outlets pick it up:

**Note: the picture here is from 2006, underscoring the fact that puerile humor from the way-back can politically haunt you today.

Note, these 2012 articles underscore the fact that puerile political reporters have little ability to determine whether a story from a right wing blog is of any importance whatsoever.

Read more here: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2012/04/former-wasserman-schultz-aide-jewish-dem-outreach-leader-jokes-about-money-obsessed-jewbags-.html#storylink=cpy

Ryan’s budget takes from poor, gives to rich



But the continuing defense of Paul Ryan is a remarkable phenomenon. He’s still being treated by many pundits as a man deeply concerned about deficits, when the fact is that his policy proposals are all about redistributing income upward, and make no serious effort to curb debt. He’s even given credit for advocating higher taxes on the rich when he has more or less specifically rejected the things for which he’s given credit.

via On Ryan Apologists – NYTimes.com


“Mittens in Paris”


A day after being labelled “out of touch” for casually offering a $10,000 bet to a rival candidate, Mr Romney told supporters he had experienced austerity as a missionary in France, using a bucket for a lavatory and a hose for a shower. “You’re not living high on the hog at that kind of level,” he said.

But the Republican presidential hopeful spent a significant portion of his 30-month mission in a Paris mansion described by fellow American missionaries to The Daily Telegraph as “palace”. It featured stained glass windows, chandeliers, and an extensive art collection. It was staffed by two servants – a Spanish chef and a houseboy.

Although he spent time in other French cities, for most of 1968, Mr Romney lived in the Mission Home, a 19th century neoclassical building in the French capital’s chic 16th arrondissement. “It was a house built by and for rich people,” said Richard Anderson, the son of the mission president at the time of Mr Romney’s stay. “I would describe it as a palace”.

Tearful as he described the house, Mr Anderson, 70, of Kaysville, Utah, said Romney aides had asked him not to speak publicly about their time together there.

Remember when being a Massachusetts politician who was fond of speaking French, spending any time in Paris, being elite were dis-qualifiers for a US Presidential candidate for the Republican Party?

Really, I could give two f*cks about Mitten’s time in Paris, just wanted to point that out. Ok, really, I just wanted an excuse to post this video (saw the Watch the Throne tour here in Philly and it was great). Also, #RapperOrRomney is a completely fair question.