Obama Administration bans text-ing while driving for 4m Federal employees


Passing regulations and laws with the effect of banning text-ing, putting on makeup and reading newspapers while driving all seem like good ideas. and long overdue.

A recent study out of the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that those who texted while driving increased their crash risk by 23 times; the state of Utah recently made headlines by passing a law threatening 15 years in prison for those who end up in an accident thanks to texting and driving.

According to the GHSA’s helpful table on cell phone driving laws, 18 states plus the District of Columbia already ban text messaging for all drivers, while nine states ban it for “novice” drivers and one state restricts it from school bus drivers only.

via Obama bans “texting while driving” for 4.5M govt workers – Ars Technica.

Is such a law so hard to pass? Is there anyone who disagrees with this ban?