Representative Anh “Joseph” Cao


US Representative Anh Cao decides that he wants to keep his job by doing something his constituents want: voting for health care reform.

Tonight, Congressman Anh “Joseph” Cao (LA-2) voted in favor of the comprehensive health reform bill, H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act.

Of his vote, Cao said: “Tonight, I voted to keep taxpayer dollars from funding abortion and to deliver access to affordable health care to the people of Louisiana.

Cao said: “I read the versions of the House [health reform] bill. I listened to the countless stories of Orleans and Jefferson Parish citizens whose health care costs are exploding – if they are able to obtain health care at all. Louisianans needs real options for primary care, for mental health care, and for expanded health care for seniors and children.”

The bill passed the House at a 220-215 vote.

via Cao Votes for “Life”; Achieves Legislation to Protect the Health of All Americans | Congressman Anh “Joseph” Cao.

This vote will probably win Cao re-election. He didn’t give up much at all. The bill would pass anyway and the back door restrictions to women’s access to reproductive health ensures that Cao can say he voted for this bill with “clear conscience”. Seems a bit smarter than your average bear. Let’s see if he gets “teabagged” in his very blue district.