Author: luimbe
Thanksgiving is now craven Consumer Eve
StandardIf violent acts kept happening at a bar or club, it would be shut the hell down. Yet some lucky Target or Wal-Mart is visited by the Ghost of Trampling Past and becomes the spot where Black Friday violence keeps happening.
“It trips me out that you ” expect cultural diplomacy from Pat Robertson
StandardIt doesn’t trip me out that a black person works with Pat Robertson. It doesn’t trip me out that a black woman works with Pat Roberston. It “trips me out” that a grown black woman sits with Pat Robertson and is surprised he (and apparently the 700 club crew in the room) are not down with mac and cheese and that he would also assume it’s undeniable blackness.
Apologies Posting Errors
Standard3 or 4 drafts uploaded erroneously from this blog. Apologies for that, I was testing Word Press on Android and iOS5.
?uestlove’s song for Bachmann was incredibly poor political, professional and personal judgement
StandardThis was incredibly bad judgement on the part of ?uestlove and incredibly disrespectful to a “guest” on the Jimmy Fallon show. Even worse was the “I apologize if you are all over sensitive about it” apology that doesn’t really acknowledge the misogyny involved:
“The performance was a tongue-in-cheek and spur of the moment decision. The show was not aware of it and I feel bad if her feelings were hurt. That was not my intention,” Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson said in a statement.
via Jimmy Fallon Drummer Calls Bachmann ‘Bitch’ Song ‘Tongue in Cheek’ – ABC News.
Completely unacceptable professionally and self sabotaging as a political statement.
Not to say a Late Night talk show is as important as a Sunday talk show, but instead of this interview revealing the awful platform Bachmann and her party mates want to implement if one of them gets elected, people will now focus on ?uestlove: that “Obama Supporter” and “rapper” is so angry that he felt he had to call Bachmann a “bitch” and “slut” on the sly.
I would guess he just cost himself some creative license as the musical director for the Jimmy Fallon show.
Looking for a focused way to challenge money in politics? Look to Wisconsin. OWS has become something else
StandardIn Wisconsin, the recall initiatives are illustrating how critical mass of people can beat money through organization and mobilization”:
In the Wisconsin version of Winston Churchill’s “We will fight them on the beaches,” etc, Mike Tate, head of the state’s Democratic Party, is heard in the piece saying of the volunteers who will be gathering signatures:
“You’re going to see them everywhere. You’ll have people outside the parking lots of shopping malls over the holiday season. There will be people at the deer cleaning stands during deer hunting. We’re going to be in every aspect of Wisconsin life wherever there’s people.”
Wisconsin Recall Effort Starts As Gov. Walker’s Foes Start Petition Drive : It’s All Politics : NPR.
Occupy just doesn’t have the focus, strategy or organization it needs to be scaled and effective at mobilizing activists into impactful action. I also feel that OWS’ primary benefit was showing the world that a lot of Americans are dissatisfied with the wealth driven political culture. Other than that airing of grievance, nothing else should have been expected of such an amorphous, purely democratic and intentionally strategy eschewing movement:
UPDATE: Here are the numbers.
The Occupy Wall Street movement is not wearing well with voters across the country. Only 33% now say that they are supportive of its goals, compared to 45% who say they oppose them. That represents an 11 point shift in the wrong direction for the movement’s support compared to a month ago when 35% of voters said they supported it and 36% were opposed. Most notably independents have gone from supporting Occupy Wall Street’s goals 39/34, to opposing them 34/42.
Voters don’t care for the Tea Party either, with 42% saying they support its goals to 45% opposed. But asked whether they have a higher opinion of the Tea Party or Occupy Wall Street movement the Tea Party wins out 43-37, representing a flip from last month when Occupy Wall Street won out 40-37 on that question. Again the movement with independents is notable- from preferring Occupy Wall Street 43-34, to siding with the Tea Party 44-40….
PPP’s polling still shows anger about wealth inequality, so
what the downturn in Occupy Wall Street’s image suggests is that voters are seeing the movement as more about the ‘Occupy’ than the ‘Wall Street.’ The controversy over the protests is starting to drown out the actual message.
Or, rather,voters are seeing the movement as more about whatever theNew York Post says it’s about, with no counternarrative presented as clearly and in as loud a voice.
The notion of income inequality became part of the general political lexicon heading into 2012. That’s good. But due to police action against protesters, some unintended things are being illustrated. Occupy Wall Street is becoming a movement that exposes the wrong headed way in which police are used and deployed to “keep the peace” by their superiors. OWS was losing steam. People were getting numbers back on how much the police over time was costing, or overblown stories about safety concerns and instant blight . Silly things happened like the Occupy Wall Street weddings. But then, some city officials decided it was acceptable to use force to disperse OWS protesters.
Last week I met a person heavily involved with OWS in New York. And I told him that something seemed to have changed in the previous couple weeks — basically that the dominant imagery had become about confrontations with the police rather than the core economic messages which had been more dominant previously. In most cases it didn’t seem to be the fault of the OWS protesters. It was peaceful or mainly peaceful protests getting met by excessive police responses. But still, at the level of imagery and message, the end result can be the same. And in this case, I’m not talking about the ridiculousness and movement-character assassination on Fox News. I’m talking about coverage that lacks that sort of committed bias.
More Please: Debates remind voters that Republican platform is crazier than any gaffe
StandardJosh Marshall links to TPM’s article Dems Solidifying Hispanic Vote. The details:
Obama’s approval ratings among Hispanic voters — and the broader electorate — have been relatively weak at times this year, but as the Republican primary campaign hits the home stretch he’s showing no signs of trouble in matchups with any of his potential opponents. An extensive survey of Latino voters by Univision this week showed Obama racking up similarly high margins against Mitt Romney (67-24), Rick Perry (68-21), and Herman Cain (65-22). The 2-1 ratio is roughly in line with Obama’s margin against John McCain in 2008.
The current front runner Newt Gingrich, he believes we should turn the public school into work houses for children and also fire the janitors:
Newt Gingrich proposed a plan Friday that would allow poor children to clean their schools for money, saying such a setup would both allow students to earn income and endow them with a strong work ethic.
via Gingrich: Laws preventing child labor are ‘truly stupid’ – CNN Political Ticker – Blogs.
Instead of releasing detailed platforms, they like signing pledges authored by lobbyists in exchange for their blessing. The worst, the pledge to outlaw any same sex marriage rights:
The pledge by the National Organization for Marriage states that, if elected, Perry will send a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman to the states for ratification, and appoint U.S. Supreme Court and federal judges who will “reject the idea our Founding Fathers inserted a right to gay marriage into our Constitution.”
Others vying for the Republican presidential nomination, including Michelle Bachmann, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum, have also signed it, according to Brian Brown, president of Washington-based National Organization for Marriage, which campaigns against same-sex marriage.
via Perry signs pledge on anti-gay marriage amendment – Yahoo! News.
Herman Cain alledges black people are brain washed into voting Democratic. That we couldn’t be looking at policies that benefit us and our community.
“African Americans have been brainwashed into not being open minded, not even considering a conservative point of view,” Cain says, according to quotes posted on CNN’s PoliticalTicker blog.
This ridiculous line of thinking that basically intimates blacks are too stupid to know what’s good for themselves is not new…the black mother’s wombs ads on billboards also peddle in this black people are too silly to know what’s going on mythology. Ron Paul? This guy wants biblical/feudal justice to rule the day. Seriously:
I don’t want to go that way, I want to go back down… all the way to the family and the Church — believe me it would be a happier and more peaceful world if we went in that direction, rather than asking the government and asking the King to solve all these problems… we need the family to deal with it.
And we can take our message and learn something from the Old Testament, how there was such a strong emphasis on the Patriarchal society and the disputes settled by judges rather than looking for Big Government.”
Ron Paul sounds like he wants to introduce house bill to make Leviticus the law of the land, and women second class citizens who are second or third wives, child brides as well who are to be considered chattel to settle disputes.
To win the Republican nomination, “those people” (Poor, Latinos, People of color, Women, LGBT, Muslims) must be reckoned with and talked about. Not reasoned with and talked to. And the nominee for the GOP will be bound by this rhetoric in the general election.
You’ll be Super Committed to doing nothing when you have all of what you want
StandardThe budget deal was all cuts if this committee failed so there was no reason for a Republican on this committee to compromise.
To be the man, you have to beat the man
StandardThe Republican debates continue to expose not to re
Pew’s numbers shows that the President’s approval rating, which has been consistently underwater during a difficult summer in Washington, is now even at 46 percent. It also shows that his favorability rating, a point of particular strength for him, continues to be positive. 52 percent of those Americans polled holds him in a positive light, versus 45 percent who see him unfavorably.
Pew: Obama Approval Ticks Up, Bests All Challengers Nationally | TPM2012
And, yes, Romney should not be even in New Hampshire vs anyone else in the GOP field, but he is. If you can’t win where you’re from, you may as well stay there.
Leave your kids misery off of YouTube please
StandardThere’s a video of a young football fan crying over his team losing. (not going to link to it) For some reason, someone in charge of him decided it would be a great idea to post it publicly to YouTube. Shouldn’t trade your kids shame for hits.
Gladwell hired by Bank of America to attract small business accounts
StandardCan you really bother to begin to trust his journalistic opinions and critiques of the banking industry after this? He’s basically a public lobbyist for BOfA. I don’t agree with Taibbi, but I can trust that his opinions of banks and the credit crisis are honestly held and favor a journalistic standard rather than a weird mix between that and a corporate standard.
NCAA to investigate PSU for “Lack of institutional control” in the wake of damning Grand Jury Report
StandardInstitutional Control is a punishable offense in the NCAA. Basically it’s when the people in charge of an athletic program and their bosses don’t follow the administrative and ethical standards that the member institutions, conferences, associations and jurisdictions have in place to govern college athletics.
The University of Miami, which many derisively refer to as “Thug U”, was under threat of a program killing slate of sanctions better known as the “death penalty” due to players being consistently available to corrupt boosters as related to the NCAA by Ponzi scheme crook Nevin Shapiro. The last time the “death penalty” it was against SMU in the 1980’s due to years of boosters lavishing players with money and gifts for top performances and agreeing to attend SMU.
Some say that the NCAA shouldn’t punish the kids that play at PSU now due to actions of coaches and administrators in the past. That’s probably not an option if violations are found. That’s exactly what the NCAA does. Sanctions against Pete Carroll and Reggie Bush affect USC football today. Sanctions against Jim Tressel affect Ohio State today. Sanctions from booster actions during Randy Shannon’s and Larry Coker’s tenures affect the University of Miami program today. Emmert’s deadline is hard and fast as PSU’s response to the NCAA is due on December 16th.
Shorter Sully: the guy who smeared Shirley Sherrod is delightful!
Sullivan is a great blogger, who attempts to have actual discussions regarding his conservative opinions, (e.g. his realizing that successful is not the same as wealthy or correctly valuing Obama’s pragmatism that is lost to many liberals), but this type of “he ain’t that bad” shit about Andrew Breitbart is too annoying. It’s like when Bill Maher would swear Coulter is really awesome when no one is looking, except worse than that.
Shirley Sherrod really lost her job, and Breitbart was intent on declaring her a vile white people hating racists. As far as I am concerned, Breitbart can kick rocks. If Sully is ok with that, then fine, but someone who can be so horrible publicly but is delightful privately shouldn’t really be trusted.
Same as he ever was: Bloomberg tries to crack OWS
StandardAlways under fire…
On thing to remember about the President, is him just being in this White House is a big deal, in a negative way, to a lot of people. It’s the average loonies plus ones that don’t like how he looks: Secret Service says bullet hit White House | AP | 11/16/2011.
NBC puts Community on hiatus, like other networks learns nothing from Netflix feature dump
StandardA show is a feature of a network’s lineup. A season is a release, when a show goes on hiatus (aka a feature disappears) at minimum an explanation is needed. Community is a show, each season, that has had some of the best episodes of any TV show I have seen in the last few years. This season is no exception (“Remidial Chaos Theory”, shown in parallel timelines above, is fun to watch every time).
Putting aside the fact that NBC didn’t even acknowledge the series in their lengthy release discussing Midseason 2012, let’s look at the bright side. At least it wasn’t moved to Saturdays… right?
[..]While it would have been nice if NBC had included a mention of the series to give fans some indication of what they’re thinking, at least they haven’t cancelled it (yet) or sentenced the comedy to some other night on television. Short of airing it via picture-in-picture over episodes of Law & Order: SVU, it’s unlikely that the series will score more viewers on any other night besides Thursdays. Aside from cancellation, the worst case scenario would be for NBC to do to Community what CBS almost did to Rules of Engagement in sentencing it to Saturday night.
It seems NBC feels they have another Friday Night Lights. And they are planning on splintering the viewer base like they did with that critically acclaimed drama even more by doing webisodes, some kind of alternate asynchronous delivery based upon the television provider (Directv, Comcast, Time Warner, etc.) you use.
But at least with Friday Night Lights there was warning. With Community, nothing. Just a mid-season update with the show conveniently disappeared. It’s weird that 3.49 million/week is not even worth a pro-active blurb unless you again consider, we are not the customer, we are the product.
In my opinion our watching eyes would best be served to advertisers on tier 2 cable or special on demand delivery (eg Hulu Plus, Netflix or provider based on Demand). Comedy Central, USA, TNT and TBS have been able to support wide variety of niche shows of varying degrees of the critical acclaim spectrum. The NBC Universal family has plenty of options. Nothing wrong with that if it allows creators of shows like Arrested Development and/or a Community to have less pressure to be crowd pleasers and affords them more freedom to grow the characters past two and a half seasons of development.
President Obama surveys Martin Luther King Memorial
StandardVia Flickr:
President Barack Obama tours the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial in Washington, D.C., Oct. 14, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.
Funeral of Boxing Great “Smoking” Joe Frazier held today
StandardA boxing icon. Here is a peek at the upcoming documentary on Frazier “When the Smoke Clears”.
Joe Frazier: When the Smoke Clears from Riverhorse
I think what a lot of folks don’t realize is that Philadelphia was about as big in the boxing world as Vegas is now. Ali trained in South Jersey, right across the bridge and Frazier, initially sponsored by the Cloverlay Group in Philadelphia. Ali will attend the funeral.
I always had a problem with the idolization of Rocky over the commemoration of Frazier. Apparently, a Frazier statue may be in the works. Hopefully, if not by the pro sports complex, it’s near a boxing gym in the North Philly area where his gym (now a furniture store) was for years.
Daley being phased out.
President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Bill Daley, and interim Chief of Staff Pete Rouse walk along the Colonnade of the White House prior to President Obama's announcement of Daley as his new Chief of Staff, Jan. 6, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Daley was a poor hire in these times. A guy ingratiated to business and not to party politics or populist movement.
Daley, 63, says the chief of staff job is the best he has ever held, though there is “nothing I’ve seen here that I didn’t know about politics. Politics is all about relationships, people. A lot of it’s emotional. It’s not rocket science.”
Daley also says the White House is less besieged than it may sometimes appear.
via Exclusive: Bill Daley, unplugged – Roger Simon –
A guy who ushered NAFTA through congress for President Clinton is the wrong guy to hire when the GOP has no interest in even passing bills they have proposed in past congresses, the free trade agreements were all but teed up for the GOP lean house and basically 50/50 senate and the general public really is worried about jobs here over all. Rouse is a guy who seems like you tell him what you want and he tells you the one to nth amounts of ways to get it done.
StandardThis debate snippet of Rick Perry is just embarrassing. Like watching the wonder years. Or being surrounded by rabidly celebrating fans of a team that just came from behind by 14 pts in the last quarter to beat your team. Or being rejected or dumped in front of all your friends. or…just watch…
Democrats lost to this guy because they couldn’t get out of their own way. So what do you call smart people who consistently get served by idiots.
Spanier, Paterno Fired.